Parents in Wheelchairs

I'm Ali Gibson. I suffered a spinal cord injury in 1996 at the age of 23 and am paralysed from the waist down. I met James in 2004 and we got married in 2007. Sarah was born in January 2008 and she's an angel.

When I was pregnant, I was concerned about how I would cope being a Mum with a spinal injury. There didn't seem to be much information or accounts of how other Mums have coped. Even after Sarah was born, I found it hard to imagine being able to manage once she was heavier/more mobile etc.

I have created this website to share my experiences with other people and hope that  parents (or those considering becoming parents) with a disability will find it useful and/or interesting.

Having Sarah was the biggest and best thing I ever did!  

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This website is an account of my experiences. I am not giving any advice or recommending any products/services as everyone's needs are different. I am happy to liaise directly with anyone wishing to know more about my circumstances/experiences - leave a message on my contact page or email me; .

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