Back Up Trust are running a campaign for Spinal Injuries Awareness Day on 16th May.
The campaign
is called
Join the Dots and will look at the
importance of wheelchair skills and how it enables people to get around their
environment at home. A series of videos will be released throughout the day
looking at wheelchair skills and how they enable people to use public transport
and “join the dots” (on the tube map) around their city.
Please view the link on their webpage http://www.backuptrust.org.uk/jointhedots/
. There is also a competition for people to enter a video of their
wheelchair skills in order to win a brand new digital camera.
They're also doing a
Thunderclap, so if you could sign up to that at http://thndr.it/1iY9g3c before the day that
would give them the boost they need.
The Join the Dots campaign aims to raise awareness on 16th
May but Back Up are also going to keep this going after the awareness day and it will be
the future theme of wheelchair skills as they start to teach wheelchair skills in
the community and also organise the first ‘jail break’ fundraiser where teams
attempt to navigate Europe without spending any money. It’s a very exciting
campaign with so much potential!
Please support this fantastic charity and their exciting campaign!
Thank you! Ali